Real Life Portrait Session

Real Life Portrait Session


Real Life Portrait sessions (approximately an hour and a half) document the beautiful, ordinary, wonderfully chaotic moments in your life. People always say to us—“you wouldn’t believe what happened at our house the other day! I wish you could have been there!!" And now we can! We will be there to help you capture these fleeting and special moments. It will just be you "hanging out" with your family, being you. We can do a lazy morning at home, go on a bike ride, or build a snowman - you get the idea - whatever you normally do as a family.

These sessions are unscripted & un-posed. Wear whatever you want, you don’t need to clean your house or get prepared. After a little while, you won’t even notice the camera!

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*Digital and print products are priced separately. Typically our portrait clients spend between $800 and $1500 on different display options for their images, which include wall portraits and albums for their homes as well as gifts and high-resolution digital images. For more information on the process and printing prices, check out our current Lookbook with all of the details!