Time Well Spent

Lately, it’s been feeling like the kids are growing at an alarming speed (Asha just graduated from middle school!). I feel like I’ve been looking around recently and recognizing how quickly time scoots by as we try to juggle all of the responsibilities of life. School, work, sports, hobbies, time with friends - it’s all one big puzzle of fitting in time for things you love and things you have to do (and hopefully, those things overlap more often than not!).

I was scrolling through my phone the other day and found photos of Halloween from last year. It brought a big smile to my face. We put so much time and effort into making Kyra’s costume, she was a Scrabble board and we made the whole thing from scratch! But as I looked at the photos and thought about all of the time we spent on the costume, it made me realize that however silly it all seemed - that was time really well spent. Having a cool and unique costume wasn’t the point, you can buy one of those if you really want to - it was all of the time laughing and painting and gluing together. It was the small lessons tucked into the process, that making something for yourself is so much more rewarding when you put real time and thought into the project.

I realize that years from now, Kyra may not remember that Halloween, or the costume she wore, or any of the small details. But, I know that both of us will remember the time we spent together; doing silly, fun things over the years that add up to a lifetime of memories.

As we move into another summer, I’m looking forward to more days spent making crafts, swimming at Redfish, eating ice cream cones, and as many other memories as we can possibly fit in!