Our family trip to Croatia


This summer we took a family trip to Croatia (just somewhere I’ve always wanted to check out!), and we had such a great time! The trip was delightful— a mix of crazy natural beauty, fascinating ancient and recent history (I dragged my family on many an old city tour!) and wonderful beaches with the most incredible clear blue water to cool off in!

We flew into the capital city of Zagreb, rented a car and spent two weeks road tripping around the country exploring, and ended up in the walled city of Dubrovnik (recently famous for Game of Thrones having been filmed there). We spent a couple days in Bosnia as well, which was beautiful and yet so very different than Croatia in so many ways.

It was such an interesting and easy place to travel, which is great, because although we are always looking for an adventure, when you have kids in tow, it’s nice for it not to be too much of an adventure! Plus the pizza and gelato are amazing!

It’s been many years since I’ve managed to escape during the summer and the busyness of wedding season, and I’m so grateful for adventures and the time with my wonderful family!

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