Dev Khalsa Photography: Sun Valley Wedding and Portrait Photographer

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A Snapshot of April

Here we are in a new month! April both feels as though it dragged along and was gone in an instant at the same time. I think we’re all a little tired of hearing how this is an unprecedented time full of uncertainty and stress - which it is - but it’s also a time where we’re all just humans, doing our best and just doing normal human things. Like reading, listening to podcasts, and trying to perfect that sour dough starter (okay, I haven’t gotten on the sour dough train yet - but if anyone has good tips for making it happen send them my way, because I did bake my first loaf of yeasted bread!).

I’ve decided to start compiling my favorite things at the end of each month - books, podcasts, moments, recipes, and whatever feels relevant at the time. It’s both a great way to document the time (and look back years from now) and to share something that may inspire someone else. Have a list of your own? Post it in the comment below (I’d love get some new cooking and reading inspiration in particular)!