Dev Khalsa Photography: Sun Valley Wedding and Portrait Photographer

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Family Time During Isolation

The world is in a very different place than I imagined it would be a couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago I wouldn’t have imagined that our towns would be self-isolating, that our schools and businesses would be closed, that the level of collective anxiety would have risen so high, so fast. But here we are - this is the new normal that we have to work with and forward in.

Something that we’ve found helpful within our family is to have dedicated activities and some loose scheduling. Everyday we schedule in time out of the house for some fresh air, time for learning and schoolwork, time for a new activity (cake decorating anyone!?), and of course, time to just be silly.

While this pandemic is a scary thing, it also has it’s silver linings. I’ve had the chance to spend the last week with my family, doing things we don’t usually have the time to do, and above all - appreciating every moment I get to enjoy with them. Watching my daughters burst into fits of laughter together, helping with schoolwork, going for bike rides, and taking the time to play - these seemingly small memories will be ones I hold close for years to come. The current health situation isn’t something to take lightly - but that doesn’t mean the rest of our moments have to be heavy.

How have you and your family been handling the isolation? We’re looking for more fun games, hobbies, and quiet time activities - comment below to give us some new ideas!